Grades Taught
Kindergarten - Gr. 8
Welcome to Parkdale School. We are a K to 8 school that believes in fostering a safe and caring learning environment for all students. We value the relationship between home and school in developing and promoting the success of the individual student.
Parkdale School works with their students to meet them where they are at to support their academic growth. Our classes participate in weekly cultural enhancement classes in which they learn about the Cree Culture and Cree Language. We also have drumming, dancing, beading, sewing and smudging daily.
Our students have the opportunity to participate in sports, leadership and choir.
Mr. Mike Daly
Vice Principal/Learning Support Teacher: Mr. Mike Currie
Administrative Assistant: Mrs. Deanna Didriksen
Administrative Assistant: Ms. Madison Baker
Family School Liaison: Mrs. Leslie Cropper
Indigenous Support: Ms. Rochelle Minde
Where Connections Happen - Wahkotowin
To collaborate in a caring learning environment that includes students, staff, families, and the community while incorporating Parkdale School values to develop the next generation of learners.
Healing our community by giving students a strong background of academic and life experience to create curiosity and understanding of what they can achieve.
Parkdale School believes that acting with wisdom, love, respect, bravery, honesty, humility and truth will build student character.