Family Fun Activity Day!

Calling all Parents/Guardians, Grandparents, Older Siblings, and Families!
Parkdale School would like to invite you all to join us for an evening of crafts and cookie decorating.
Mother's Day was on May 12th, and Father's Day is June 16th, but we have so many people in our lives that help us achieve the great things that we do everyday. They all need to be recognized and celebrated!
To do this, Parkdale School would like to invite our students to return to the school on May 29th from 4:00pm to 6:00pm with an older family member that helps them everyday to decorate a cookie, paint a birdhouse, or spend some time together while having snacks.
We will be joined by Carter's Creations to show us how to decorate some spring themed cookies at 4:15pm.
We hope to see you all there!