Polar Bear Club

When the temperature dips below -23C with the wind chill, Parkdale students will not be sent outside for recess. During those indoor recess days, we will be offering the opportunity for students to go outside for recess and play as part of our Polar Bear Club.
Regular opportunities for play and physical activity, especially outdoors, improve mood, attention, and fitness. Outdoor recess in cold weather provides an opportunity for students to be vigorously active, escape germs, and embrace our cold winter reality.
The option to go outside will only be offered to those students who have returned a permission form signed by a parent or guardian and who are dressed appropriately for the weather. Students who choose to go outside will stay outside for the duration of the recess. Supervising staff will use their discretion in deciding whether individual members of the Polar Bear Club are able to go outside during cold weather.
If your child is interested in having the option to participate in the Polar Bear Club, please complete and sign the permission form below and return it to the school. Only one form is required per family (list the names of all children in the family participating on the one form)